Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We need more calories people!

Today mom had a nurse come by in the AM. It's always nice when they come so it gives her time to talk to someone else besides Jim and I. Today I went to the beach for a little. Mom rested. When I got home I made some chicken and brussel sprouts. I was hoping mom would eat but she didn't right away. We put a plate aside for her and I suggested we go into the pool. She did! I was so happy she did. It was nice to see her doing things like that. After the pool we sat in the sauna for a little which is great for pain relief. After all of that, she ate which we get excited for when she does. Jim made mom an appointment for mayo this Thursday. The good thing about the mayo clinic is that they see ALS patients all the time where her primary doctor has never had an ALS patient before my mom. This way she could talk about the pain she has had in her stomach and all the other concerns she is having.

I need help! Everyones big concern is how to get food into my mom. She has been maintaining her weight but we need more calories. The benecalorie can be added to Thrive and yogurts but she doesn't like it. We tried to put it through the feeding tube but it just ruins the bag and doesn't go through. Are there any liquid calorie additives for patients with ALS for feeding tube? Please let me know!



  1. Hey Ash, try asking provider for appetite stimulant. Megace. Also I know she loves milkshakes? Carnation. instant breakfast comes in vanilla choc and strawberry and taste good for calorie intake snacks. Can go in tube if trouble swallowing. Ensure,boost supplements if you can find a plus version even better xoxo

    1. I just looked Megace up! They have a liquid form I believe so I gave the name to Jim and he will bring it up to the doctors at Mayo tomorrow! Thank you!!!!!

  2. I definitely will. Can megace come in a liquid form I wonder? She can't swallow! You know mom so well! She loooooves milkshakes, here is the downside: ALS patients can't have milk products! It creates too much mucus. That is why that Thrive ice cream is made for them. We got the ensure plus version recently, she can handle them. But I am really interested in that Megace! Maybe if Florida made marijuana legal, she could get medical marijuana (edible form) to help her appetite. I read about how much THC and marijuana helps ALS patients in that case. Love you miss you!

  3. I dont think the carnation is true dairy but look it up I will too. Also ask Jim to ask for nutritional counseling. They can send a RD to the house. Yes megace comes in liquid form xoxo
