This morning I woke up, walked into the living room and saw my mom and it made me so happy. Every morning I wake up and see her it brings me much joy. It is an amazing feeling to be able to be here with her. I know I sound like a broken record but it is the truth. After a shower this morning, I came into the house and saw her crying and I didn't know why. I always ask. I am curious and I want to make things better. If I can make her laugh that is a plus. Most of the time I just change the subject because I don't know what else to do. Well, she was crying because of this blog. It was touching. It brought tears to my eyes and it is bringing tears to my eyes as I write this. I love you Mom and I thank you for reading my blog. It is dedicated to you!
Today I spent time doing things around the house, ran some errands, became apart of my mothers community, and just spent time with mom. I caught her playing with Obie, our 9 year-old Yorkshire Terrier. He is still so playful and loving. The love he has for my mom is simply unconditional. If it's late at night and she isn't in bed, he will come out of her bedroom then sit and stare at her like, "UM! It's time for bed!" The reason I am bringing up Obie is because no matter how many people call dogs dumb, I swear to you dogs are brilliant! I feel like Obie was in denial about moms disease for awhile. He would never go on walks with me or anyone without having to legitimately drag him down the street (he was never, ever harmed; calm yourselves). He would continually look back thinking she was going to come sprinting for him. Now that he is through his denial stage, he just hides under the bed because he knows she is unable to take him for a walk. He wants to be around her all the time. In addition, my moms boyfriends dog Mickey, a 10 year-old West Highland Terrier, understands as well. When mom cries, Mickey will go over and sit by her to comfort her. It is unreal how dogs know things.
Mom Update: Today was good. She ate a lot more than normal which is great. She had a protein shake, oatmeal, and a sandwich. No dinner but we left a plate for her. As always, she has a positive energy and everyday she stays smiling. I actually am thinking she should be a stand up comedian. She swears that ALS patients turn into comedians.
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